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  • cbelizaire76

Why Algorithms can be Racist and Sexist

According to the article, algorithmic biases are most prevalent in the media and internet through advertisements. As well as in law enforcement and job applications.Personally, I've heard of algorithmic biases within social media platforms such as Facebook. In the sense that certain platforms use algorithms to collect information about their users. Instagram also uses algorithms to provide similar content to their users and for marketing purposes. However, I had no idea that there were also biases in job applications too. After reading this article, it definitely changed my perception of computers. I always knew that technology could be dangerous, but I was not aware of how much bias there is within artificial intelligence. It is a little concerning, knowing that things like the deployment of police in local neighborhoods can be manipulated through AI. After learning about the effects of algorithmic biases, we can use this knowledge to make more calculated decisions when sharing our personal information online. Programmers can make the effort to identify biases when they see them and create more inclusive training data sets. People can also be more careful when filling out job applications.

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