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  • cbelizaire76

Blog#8 EM Forster "The Machine Stops"

In the short story " The machine stops" by EM Forster, I noticed a few things that sounded familiar like the concept of button presses and everything being connected. This reminded me of the circuits we built in the first part of Creative Coding. In the first story, entitled "The Air ship", every time Vashti touched something, it changed something in her environment in some way. The same way for example each wire or button in a circuit is connected and has a different function. In the first story, I think there is also a lesson to be learned. Vashti's son Kuno, made a great point about machines. He said "You talk as if a god had made the machine; the machine is much but it is not everything." This is so true, because nowadays we tend to rely on machines to do everything for us. It's not our fault, but as technology continues to develop it creates a generation of reliant people. Another takeaway from this story is that although technology can be useful, it can also be very dangerous. At first, I didn't really see the connection between the story and programming but after diving deeper I can see it now.

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